For organizations of
purpose and impact.

About Con·Sense
We support nonprofit organizations, public offices, and companies in strategic and operational matters.
We guide you through processes, work out the foundations for decision-making and jointly develop future-oriented strategies. Always with the goal in mind to achieve a positive impact in society.
As a spin-off of the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel, we combine knowledge of current research with many years of practical experience.
Our Services
Do you want to become more visible and more powerful? Are you planning to rebuild your funding or realign your organization? Would you like to legitimize your achievements more credibly to funders and foundation boards? Are you looking for suitable cooperation partners or suitable funding projects?
We support funders and nonprofits in the fields of culture, social affairs, education, and ecology in all aspects of their social commitment.

Selected clients
Algorithm Watch Schweiz | Association Catalyse | Anlaufstelle für Sans-Papiers Basel | Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende der Region Basel | Bundesamt für Kultur | Carl Schlettwein Stiftung | Beisheim Stiftung | Cleven Stiftung | Crescenda | Drosos Stiftung | Fachhochschule Graubünden | Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich | FHNW | Focus Sustainability | Frey Charitable Foundation | GGG Basel | Heilsarmee Schweiz | Heitere Fahne Bern | HEKS Basel | Hub Neuchâtel | INSIEME Schweiz | Jugendsozialwerk Baselland | K5 Basel | Kulturförderung Kanton Zug | LAB Leben mit Autismus | Landis & Gyr Stiftung I Misheel Kids Foundation | Paneco | Schweizer Jugend Forscht | Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung | Spendenstiftung SGO | SRG SSR | Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte SKKG | Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein | Stiftung Mercator Schweiz | Stiftung Vivendra | Stiftungsstadt Basel | Kulturmanagement Universität Basel | Theater Süd | Verein Kulturförderung Basel Stadt | Verein Zuger Jugendtreffpunkte | Volkart Stiftung | Young Caritas | Weltacker Schweiz | World Winter Games Switzerland | Wyss Zurich Foundation | XKBB Foundation | ZHAW | Zuhören Schweiz
Sharing Knowledge
The development of the foundation and nonprofit sector is close to our hearts. We are therefore committed to sharing knowledge and leveraging synergies.
In our blog, we regularly write about current developments and issues around the topic of social engagement.
Under Publications you will find selected publications, analyses, or presentations by us.
In the "tools" section you will find tools developed by us for nonprofits and for you to download and use for free. They are only available in German.

Do you have a question about our services or about your organization?
Get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to meet you for an initial free consultation.
Our newsletter C·News informs you three to four times a year briefly and concisely about our events and provides you with new knowledge from philanthropy.